Friday, August 19, 2011


New Book Provides Experiences with Evidence Skills and Strategies

The new book Evidence: Skills, Strategies, and Assignments in Pretrial and Trial, which is due to be released by Aspen next month, provides opportunities for performance role-plays that simulate a range of adversarial practice situations involving evidence. Evidence: Skills, Strategies and Assignments contains all the materials necessary for pretrial and trial advocacy skills instruction with 22 criminal and civil assignments and a total of 49 evidentiary experiences within those assignments. The book and accompanying trial demonstration movie are intended for law school and professional development C.L.E. workshops.

All of the evidence experiences take place in the Freck Point hypothetical wrongful death or murder case that allows the instructor to select either a civil, criminal or combination of the two for the curriculum. The materials may be used in a stand-alone evidence skills lab or the material may be used as a supplement in a traditional evidence course or trial advocacy course.

The role-play assignments correspond to the traditional evidence topics, such as relevancy or hearsay. These assignments include either pretrial litigation experiences, such as writing or arguing a motion in limine on an evidentiary issue, or trial experiences, such as making or responding to an evidentiary objections. The versatility of the materials allows the instructor to select as many or as few of the assignments as time permits.

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