Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Montana Law School and an Advance Trial Advocacy Course


I just finished lecturing at the University of Montana Law School's Advanced Trial Advocacy course designed for fledgling trial lawyers. It was an opportunity to make 4 presentations and I attempted to practice what I preached in Powerful Presentation Handbook

Here it is in a nutshell:

Whether your speech is intended to educate, persuade, inspire, or entertain, Powerful Persuasion Handbook explains how to structure, word, and deliver a successful speech from an attention-grabbing introduction through to a first-rate conclusion. The Handbook covers the nuts and bolt, such as choosing the right words and visual aids for the winning speech and triumphing over nervousness. This Handbook is an outgrowth of my career delivering speeches to audiences of all sizes, managing seminars, and training speakers. Most of all, this Handbook passes on what I learned from outstanding speakers about how to craft and deliver a powerful presentation. 

Inside this accessible and comprehensive guide, you’ll learn:

• To have a purpose and passion for your speech that will connect with your audience.

• How to select the right words to engage your audience.

• Methods for using your voice, demeanor, and body language to enhance your talk.

• Speech devices that will make your talking points instantly comprehensible.

• How to employ the three Aristotelian appeals to an audience.

• Ways to enhance your speech with compelling visual aids.

• How to avoid “Death by PowerPoint.”

• Steps for staging and timing your presentation.

• Techniques, strategies, and skills from the best-of-the-best speakers.

• To project authenticity and sincerity to the audience.

• A proven methodology for preparing to make your presentation.

• And, so much more.

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